The Mysteries of Rúne - The Assembly
Darkness held to the void, sitting quietly in waiting. The eight emerged one after another from its center, with them the sparks of breath. Together, they gazed out into the emptiness, and their work began.
First, Nádú began to weave the fabric of the world. She created rock, air, and water, manifesting the stitches of reality. Her Sister, Seasu, then wrote the cycles of life into the ground, with the passing of the years marked by the changing seasons. Each held to place and time.
Inis created halflings as the first beings to inhabit the world. Hardworking and crafty people, building cities and prospering in the fertile land. Others followed Inis' path crafting life. Cath, the god of war, forged the dwarves, a race of skilled defenders who would help protect the halflings and their cities from the unknown unfolding around them.

Art Credit: @ayejay_make_art
Corrai brought the Vārdis along with the principle of balance. The Vārdis brought the skies down and the seas up to the land. Corrai hung the moon as a reminder of the void with the simplicity and dangers of the first night. Níos brought the gnomes, masters of the arcane. He showed them its power and instilled fear and reverence for its strength.
Finally, the brothers Anail and Brionnu placed the stars and the precious minerals, sources of creativity worthy of study, and steady hands. In the wake of his creation, Anail made the Dragonborn, while Brionnu made the orcs and goliaths.
The sisters Nádú and Seasu looked upon space and time and created the elves and the humans. Nádú created elves with time to appreciate the wonders she had weaved. Seasu created humans who were to appreciate the sparsity of their time and pass that joy through generations.
The Assembly
Anaíl (An-eye-eel)
The god of the stars is associated with the great expanse, a presence that can be felt through an individual's wonder.
Brionnu (Bri-aan-u)
The god of the forge is associated with craftsmanship and is seen as the source of determination.
Cath (Kath)
The god of war is depicted as a fierce champion of honor and bravery.
Corrai (Kor-eye)
The goddess of shadows or balance is often associated with mystery and secrecy.
Inis (In-is)
The goddess of relationship is seen as a unifying force, bringing together the various factions of the territories.
Nádú (Nah-Doo)
The goddess of nature is considered the protector of all things living. Nádú is revered by the elves, who see her as the source of their serenity.
Níos (Nee-os)
The god of chaos is associated with the elemental forces of the world. Many attribute their creativity to his machinations.
Seasu (Say-sue)
The goddess of seasons is depicted as a benevolent wanderer who brings balance and harmony to the world through changing seasons.
Darkness held to the void, sitting quietly in waiting. The eight emerged one after another from its center, with them the sparks of breath. Together, they gazed out into the emptiness, and their work began.
First, Nádú began to weave the fabric of the world. She created rock, air, and water, manifesting the stitches of reality. Her Sister, Seasu, then wrote the cycles of life into the ground, with the passing of the years marked by the changing seasons. Each held to place and time.
Inis created halflings as the first beings to inhabit the world. Hardworking and crafty people, building cities and prospering in the fertile land. Others followed Inis' path crafting life. Cath, the god of war, forged the dwarves, a race of skilled defenders who would help protect the halflings and their cities from the unknown unfolding around them.
Art Credit: @ayejay_make_art
Corrai brought the Vārdis along with the principle of balance. The Vārdis brought the skies down and the seas up to the land. Corrai hung the moon as a reminder of the void with the simplicity and dangers of the first night. Níos brought the gnomes, masters of the arcane. He showed them its power and instilled fear and reverence for its strength.
Finally, the brothers Anail and Brionnu placed the stars and the precious minerals, sources of creativity worthy of study, and steady hands. In the wake of his creation, Anail made the Dragonborn, while Brionnu made the orcs and goliaths.
The sisters Nádú and Seasu looked upon space and time and created the elves and the humans. Nádú created elves with time to appreciate the wonders she had weaved. Seasu created humans who were to appreciate the sparsity of their time and pass that joy through generations.
Anaíl (An-eye-eel)
The god of the stars is associated with the great expanse, a presence that can be felt through an individual's wonder.
Brionnu (Bri-aan-u)
The god of the forge is associated with craftsmanship and is seen as the source of determination.
Cath (Kath)
The god of war is depicted as a fierce champion of honor and bravery.
Corrai (Kor-eye)
The goddess of shadows or balance is often associated with mystery and secrecy.
Inis (In-is)
The goddess of relationship is seen as a unifying force, bringing together the various factions of the territories.
Nádú (Nah-Doo)
The goddess of nature is considered the protector of all things living. Nádú is revered by the elves, who see her as the source of their serenity.
Níos (Nee-os)
The god of chaos is associated with the elemental forces of the world. Many attribute their creativity to his machinations.
Seasu (Say-sue)
The goddess of seasons is depicted as a benevolent wanderer who brings balance and harmony to the world through changing seasons.
The followers of Firi speak of the world's conception in darkness and chaos. She saw the potential in the void and set out to raise her own out of its depths. Using her divine power, Firi brought light to the darkness and crafted the land and the sea.
Firi formed the races of Rúne in their vast diversity, each with unique strengths and attributes. She imbued them with the power of the rising, the ability to tap into their inner strength. She has elected the people of Zenith to be set aside with an affinity for magic and the ability to tap into the energy of the world around them.
As the people of Zenith rise higher and higher, they return to that destiny of old, only to be found in the rising. They continue upward, one day to reach heaven's finality and join her there.
The followers of Firi speak of the world's conception in darkness and chaos. She saw the potential in the void and set out to raise her own out of its depths. Using her divine power, Firi brought light to the darkness and crafted the land and the sea.
Firi formed the races of Rúne in their vast diversity, each with unique strengths and attributes. She imbued them with the power of the rising, the ability to tap into their inner strength. She has elected the people of Zenith to be set aside with an affinity for magic and the ability to tap into the energy of the world around them.
As the people of Zenith rise higher and higher, they return to that destiny of old, only to be found in the rising. They continue upward, one day to reach heaven's finality and join her there.
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